Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Royalty In Action

What the feathers. I couldn't sleep at all last night cos my knee was throbbing like hell and trust me, it feels shitty. So, today i was 5ominutes late for my morning class. Thank god mama was the one who sent me. I didn't enjoy much in my psychology class today cos seriously, Mr Sebastian were talking mostly about sex Haha Damn, seriously whats with the Anal and Oral has to do with psychology?!?! Maybe i should write that for my upcoming quiz (Gerenti aku dapat A Mr sebs)

So, today i waited for Tengku Wan Azrie at mcD. Well-maths class supposedly ends at 5 but i was out 2hours earlier ahahaha Put the blame on Dipica. She bribe me and hell yeah- 5hours of maths class, what did u expect?!?! I ain't genius or never interested to be a mathematician. So, right before our gym starts, we went to mcD cos Azrie ni bodoh. He wanted to eat before he starts gyming (bodoh punya apek) haha Then we took the HELP bus, Azrie is kinda jakun cos he naik bus for the 1st time. Seriously spoil brat lah kau ni.

The spoil brat

Mr seb class is the suckiest class eva

Aaron and Omar, stressed cos of maths class

Kar Mun, the SHINOBI

My knee :(

The handicap dude :'(

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